Ministry Opportunities

  • Sunday School
  • Music
  • United Methodist Women
  • United Methodist Men
  • Youth
  • Children
  • Mother's Morning Out

Children and Youth: We offer Sunday School classes for all age levels. Please check the maps around the church for locations.

Below is a listing of all our adult classes. Feel free to join any class in which you feel comfortable. Age, marital status and subjects of study are only mentioned to give a general idea of class personality. You are encouraged to join a class which meets your needs and helps you come closer to God.

Adult Bible: Open to all ages, a group of senior adults led by Nancy Leonard, an extremely competent Bible scholar. This is a compassionate, caring, open, uplifting group who enjoy a great deal of discussion using the Holy Bible as their study guide. They meet in room 207.

Barlow Class: This is a very caring, older adult class who invite you to join them. Led by Gertrude Wright, teacher and they study from the Adult Bible Studies, Quarterly. Lessons are explained in a way that all can understand the author's comments. They meet in room 302.

Faithwalkers: Studies focuses primarily on books of the Bible with emphasis on living out our failth daily. Involved in outreach and other ministries of the church. Adults from 20 to 60, all adults welcome; Singles and Couples. Monthly social gatherings. Meets in the Fellowship Hall. Point of contact for class is Steve and Lisa Clopton.

Lifestyle: A larger class made up of singles and couples primarily between the ages of 55-75, who like socializing monthly and enjoy discussing Bible study. They meet in room 303.

Modern Samaritans: This large, lively class, made up primarily of members in their 60's, enjoy discussing a variety of topics from Bible study to contemporary writings. Discussions are led by Marj Byrd. They meet in room 204.

New Life: Adults 50 & up, single and married. Thomas Helton, primary teacher, directs the discussion using the Adult Bible Studies Quarterly. Service projects and socials are embraced with enthusiasm. They meet in the elementary wing, room 308.

Pairs & Spares: Ages 25 and up, learning how to apply Biblical teachings to life situations. They meet in the fellowship hall for meaningful discussions led by Ellen Scott.

SonSeekers: Bible study and open discussion led by members of the class. This is a multi-aged growing class who seek to learn more about God and His amazing love. They meet in room 304.

Starting Points: Informational class presented by Pastor Riley Richardson to help you learn what Myrtle Grove UMC is all about. At end of class, can choose to join the church. Meets first Sunday each month at 9:45 in the Chapel.

Young and the Restless: Lots of open discussion. Ages: young professionals, married and single, ages 20s-30s. They meet in room 300 in the Education wing off of the fellowship hall. Bart & Sherry Hulien is the point of contact for this class.

(See maps posted around the church for location and look for signs beside doors.)

The Chancel Choir: This group provides the main worship leadership at the 8:30 service each Sunday morning. The repertoire has something to offer every taste in worship music. This choir is also the centerpiece of the two larger musical offerings of the year, Christmas at the Grove, and the Easter Cantata. Rehearsals for the Chancel Choir are Wednesdays from 7:15-8:15 p.m. The choir meets at 8:00 each Sunday morning to robe and warm-up, before heading to the Sanctuary for the greeting.

The Harvest Rhythm Section: This is the ensemble that leads worship at the 11:00 Harvest Contemporary worship service. The band consists of guitars, bass, drums, percussion, keyboards, and vocalists. The HRS rehearses each Thursday night, 7:00-8:45 p.m., and at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday morning.

The MG Ringers: This is the main Handbell ensemble at Myrtle Grove UMC. They play at Easter and Christmas. Ringers of all levels are welcome, but the ability to read music will be very helpful. The MG Ringers rehearse each Wednesday at 4:30pm, except in the Summer.

Children's Choirs: There are children's choirs available for all children ages 3 through 5th grade. The children have their music time during Sunday School hours each Sunday morning and perform occasionally at the 11:00am service.

To find out how to get involved and what other opportunities are available, please contact the church office.

United Methodist Women: Is open to all ladies of the church. The regular meeting date is the first Tuesday monthly at 10:00 a.m., the Executive meeting is the last Tuesday monthly at 10:00 a.m. Contact person is Paddi Cain. We have 3 ladies circles to choose from - feel free to visit them all.

          Arbeiter Circle: Meets every third Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in members homes. They have Bible studies and do service projects that benefit church or community. Co-Chairpersons: Judy Cannon and Audra Wilson.

          Guild Circle: Meets every second Thursday at 6:00 p.m. either at the church or in members homes. The emphasis is spiritual growth, missions and our youth for whom we sponsor "Frolic at the Grove", a spring fund raiser for the church youth. Contact person: Beth Herndon.

          Joy/Nadine Circle: Meets every third Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in members homes. Their project is serving the Men's Fellowship every month. This circle also provides meals for the United Methodist Men's monthly meetings. Chairperson: Miriam Storey.

United Methodist Men: A group open to all men of the church. The fellowship is Christ centered and spirit led bringing strength to the spiritual life of it's members. The United Methodist Men meet every second Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. for dinner, with a program or speaker, in the Fellowship Hall. Activities include an annual Christmas banquet, a pancake breakfast on Easter Sunday, and fish fries to support various causes. Contact person is RC Miller.

Resistance Youth Ministries

Myrtle Grove UMC Youth Face Book Page
Resistance Student Ministries

Click on the above link to see what the Youth are involved with and how you can be a part of it!

Youth Director: Patrick McBride
Youth Coordinator: Lou Irvin
Young Adult Coordinator: Ken Jones

Children's Church: We offer Children's Church Sunday during the 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. services. Children learn how to worship, follow the Church calendar with stories, fellowship meals and crafts. This is a time for the children to learn how to worship God.

Annual children events include: Easter Egg Hunt, Christmas Party, End of School party, and Vacation Bible School.

Nursery: The nursery is open for all services and available upon request for other church activities. Volunteers are used to help staff the nursery during Sunday Morning Worship Services and the Sunday School hour.

Community Scout Night: On Monday nights at 6:30 p.m. the church offers scouts for boys grades 1 - 12 and girls grade K - 12. All programs are the same day & time so families can spend less time each week attending separate scout programs.

Wednesday Nights: The children participate in classes that include cooking, Bible stories, crafts, games & music. Classes start at 6:00 p.m. during the school year.

Contact names:
Mother's Morning Out: Carrie Disouryavong
Scout Coordinator: Lisa Toquothty - 850.466.3280